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The Taisiirul Akhyaar Methodology
There 4 fundamental principles to the Taisiirul Akhyaar Methodology.
- The Quranic system.
- The key words approach. The first 14 letters use 6 key words and the remaining 14 ‘Arabic letters use 8 key words.
- Gradually introducing the easy lessons or topics before difficult ones as well as a few stages of drilling student to read correctly.
- Various techniques used to ascertain the fluency and the proficiency of the students preparations to recite the Quran.

1a. Asas Persediaan Membaca

1b. Asas Persediaan Membaca

1c. Asas Persediaan Membaca

2. Asas Pengenalan Tajwiid Mudah

2. Introduction To Easy Tajwid (English)

3. Asas Musyafahah

Haqqa Tilawatih
Our teaching of the Quran – is planned and organized -in stages.
It is structured to – suit the age and ability of children, adolescents and adults.
Indeed, it is highly recommended that children who are able to speak the words: Mama or Baba, are taught to read the Qur’anic letters in an easy and interesting manner. Learning to read Qur’anic letters can be Just as fun as learning how to sing, tell stories or play games. Children are then able to speak and inculcate a deep interest and appreciation of the importance of reading the Quran as they begin to grow from youth and journey into becoming an adult.
We should not wait, until children begin their elementary school, let alone secondary or university because the challenge of allocating time for learning to read the Quran will be neglected.
As the child get busy with ’school projects’ or ‘class tests’ – he will not able to come for Quranic classes even if it is once a week. The term or semester exams are considered more important than learning the Quran so they take weeks off from reading the Quran even at home.
All humans need to eat at least 3 times a day to live. But they are willing to let the mind, soul and spirit starve and not be illuminated by reciting the Quran daily for weeks and possibly months. With mothers and caretakers busy with their own tasks they become less able to read and teach the Quran to their own families. While Allah says:
And thus have We, by Our Command, sent inspiration to thee: thou knewest not (before) what was Revelation, and what was Faith; but We have made the (Qur’an) a Light, wherewith We guide such of Our servants as We will; and verily though dost guide (men) to the Straight Way,
As-Syura 42:52